Case Studies

Over the years, Maziak has gained extensive experience in providing bespoke and well-rounded compressed air, nitrogen generation and cooling solutions for a range of applications.

Our expertise has seen us help out a variety of industries, for instance we have provided a nitrogen generator for a food production factory where food grade nitrogen was of the utmost importance. We have even been called to the Royal & Derngate Theatre of Northampton where we supplied a series of HPC KS22 air compressors to enhance the environment of the theatre’s workshops. 

Are you interested in finding out just how much can be achieved with a low cost nitrogen generator? Or the importance of having an energy efficient air compressor? Browse our case studies and find out how Maziak can help you and your business.


Optimising In-House Metal Fabrication with On-Site Nitrogen Generation
Turn-Key Engineered Plug and Play Plant Room Solution
Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Installs Nitrogen Generator
Reducing Brewery Production Costs Through On-Site Nitrogen Generation
Operational Cost Reduction Of Over 60% For Laser Cutting Business
Optimising Energy Efficiency in Compressed Air Systems
Optimising Brewery Operations: Cost-Efficient Inert Gas Solutions through On-Site Nitrogen Generation
Enhancing Energy Efficiency in Machining Operations
A Technical Solution to a Sensitive Issue
Maziak Solution Reduces Costs for a World-Leading Technology Centre
Maziak enhances high-quality moulding company’s production
Food production facility outgrows their compressed air system
Food Manufacturer Turn-Key Containerised Compressor Plant
Michelin stars for on-site liquid nitrogen generation
Well Blow Me Down—Two Dryers Are More Cost Efficient Than One
Super-sub N2 replaces CO2 to Deliver Large Cost Savings for Brewery
N2 Gas System Upgrade Delivers ‘Un-circuitous’ Route to Cost Savings
High Quality Soldering + High Purity N2 Gas = an Electric Combination!
Taking the heat out of laboratory glove boxes
We’ve Got Your Back-Up Covered!
Research and reduce your nitrogen gas costs
Bottling and Canning Low Cost Nitrogen Gas in Devon
Low Cost Nitrogen Gas is Brewing in Bedford
Sharp-eyed vision to overcome installation challenges
Controlling the controllables delivers enormous savings
Shoot for maximum efficiency and cost savings
Nitrogen gas costs sent flying for aerospace component manufacturer
Shedding an old system for many advantages
Waste not want not - a hidden heat source
Coming in from the cold - solving compressed air quality issues
Grated cheese just got greater
"Wave" goodbye to high inert gas costs in your soldering process
New factory installation not to be sneezed at
Peace and Quiet as well as Peace of Mind in the Dentist’s Chair!
Q: Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road? A: To Reduce its Nitrogen Gas Costs by up to 80%
Hello (Salve) new N2 gas generation system, goodbye (addio) prohibitive costs
Getting a slice of the action
Buying bulk? Let the new generation take over
Nitrogen gas generation is taking off
Seamlessly advancing design & technology
Collaborative partnership ensures reliability and fosters trust
An expert brew of improved energy, efficiency and reliability
Out with the old, in with the new for energy and service savings
Generating food quality nitrogen gas in a nutshell
Concealed compressor and pristine pipework
More Air—More Reliability—More Control—Less Cost
Air kisses and the show goes on
Quality and Size matter - small but crucial role
Pulling out the stops to get it all bottled up
A challenging pipework configuration and precision cooling
Large air volumes and extreme reliability are keys to success
High street retailer chooses Maziak for major project works
Safety solution also provides cost saving benefits and great ROI
Bottling up those cost reductions and enhanced site safety
Savour the mouth-watering benefits of on-demand N2 gas generation
Make your own N2 gives make your own food company a competitive advantage
Be selective to reduce cost, improve safety and increase reliability
We've got the POWER to reduce nitrogen gas costs
Hopping along nicely
Lightweight Containers—PET keg production expands into the UK
Relationship & Quality Product = Trust
Airbox Plug & Play Solutions - Air and Nitrogen
Self Contained Compressor System with Minimal Install Time
Nitrogen Generation Beats Bulk Storage Option
N2 Airbox Replaces Bulk Storage & Eases Expansion