ETEX Building Performance Ltd, a construction materials company opened its Bristol plant in 1990, to manufacture drywall products and systems for partitions, ceilings, wall linings and external sheathing purposes.
With well over 20 successful years of operation fulfilled, the compressor equipment, which included HPC ASD, BSB and CSB compressors, was ready to be replaced. Based on previous very positive experience, ETEX’s Industrial Director asked Maziak to tender for the business.
Maziak identified the following key areas for consideration:
Bearing all of the above parameters in mind, Maziak’s proposal featured:
The configuration of the system met all of ETEX’s production needs, not least offering enormous energy and cost savings.
Energy costs were cut by 25% - a considerable financial saving and Service costs were reduced by a massive 50%.
With a 4 year payback, the benefits to the company are clear.
Paul Noble, Industrial Director